Leitz Tripod Head KGOON

Item No. 023444

Rarity: ★★

※About rarity

*Shipping to Japan Only. For overseas customer, please contact us before order.

Leitz medium-sized ball head. This universal type supports both large and small screws on both the male and female sides, marked with the D stamp. Commonly known as the D ball head.

It features an impressive mechanism where the tripod socket size switches with a spring mechanism when used with either large or small screws. This accessory exemplifies Leitz’s attention to detail, ensuring excellent functionality. It locks firmly with a light touch and remains stable even with larger cameras mounted.

Among the numerous ball heads available, this one remains at the pinnacle of usability.

On the back of the Leitz logo, near the upper right corner of 'GERMANY,' there is a small scratch, and there are some noticeable scuffs on the plating. However, it is in just the right condition for practical use.

The felt padding on the camera mounting area shows some fraying and peeling, but the ball head’s movement is very smooth! The lever secures firmly with a quick twist.

Feel free to make use of this for practical purposes! The price includes domestic shipping.

93% B
6 months warranty

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Current model or easy to find.
★★ Can be found with some efforts.
★★★ Not easy to find. Once 1~2 months.
★★★★ Rare item. Once a year(it depends on shops).
★★★★★ Super Rare. Once 5~10 years or more (it depends on shops).