Leica IIIb + Summar 50mm f2

Item No. 017542

Rarity: ★★★

※About rarity
ATTOOH. The both body and lens were made in 1938. Comes with UK import certificate at the same year. The last model of sheet metal body. A little bit smaller than die casting bodies after IIIc. Fully serviced in 2020. All the functions are in very good working condition. Finder views are clear. Well coupled with rangefinder. Some scuffs are seen and a small dent near serial number. Yet, still beautiful. Slight deterioration on the front element, yet the glass is clean.
Summar 50mm f2
certificate, cap.
93% AB
6 months warranty

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Current model or easy to find.
★★ Can be found with some efforts.
★★★ Not easy to find. Once 1~2 months.
★★★★ Rare item. Once a year(it depends on shops).
★★★★★ Super Rare. Once 5~10 years or more (it depends on shops).