Nikon 35mm Finder


Item No. 023633

Rarity: ★★★

※About rarity

*Shipping to Japan Only.
The Nikon 3.5cm viewfinder with the Nippon Kogaku engraving. Designed for the Nikon S series. Featuring the iconic Mount Fuji mark. Its aged silver appearance perfectly complements a well-used Nikon S series camera, especially those with black paint finishes.

The edges show some wear in the aluminum anodized finish, giving it a rather refined, vintage look. The glass has fine cleaning marks and slight haze, causing a faint whitish tint when looking through it, but it doesn't affect usability. A 35mm viewfinder you can put to good use. Comes with a leather case.

Nikon S
91% C
6 months warranty

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Current model or easy to find.
★★ Can be found with some efforts.
★★★ Not easy to find. Once 1~2 months.
★★★★ Rare item. Once a year(it depends on shops).
★★★★★ Super Rare. Once 5~10 years or more (it depends on shops).