Nikkor 85mm f2 (S) Black

Item No. 021964

Rarity: ★★★

※About rarity

Nikkor-P.C 85mm f2, Nikon S mount with external bayonet. Introduced in 1948, the early models featured a chrome-plated white barrel. This item is a later model with a black barrel. It uses a Sonnar-type optical formula with 3 groups and 5 elements. The filter diameter is 48mm. The distance markings are in feet. This serial number in the 497xxx range is said to be from nearly the last batch produced.

At wide open, the lens renders a soft and smooth depiction, but as it is stopped down to around f4, it shifts dramatically to a sharper image. This lens became monumental when D.D. Duncan used it during the Korean War, praising it highly and making it a catalyst for showcasing the excellence of Japanese lenses to the world.

The later model with a black barrel is somewhat rare. Its design complements both white and black camera bodies beautifully.

The black paint is well-preserved, resulting in a beautiful appearance. There is only minimal wear on the chrome-plated parts. The included hood, cap, and case are also in good condition, matching the lens itself.

All parts are functioning normally. The helicoid feels slightly heavy, but this does not affect practical use (paid maintenance is also available upon request). The lens has been tested with our Nikon S body for rangefinder coupling and focus accuracy.

There are a few very faint cleaning marks on the edge of the rear element, but these are unlikely to impact actual shooting. There is no haze, and the glass is exceptionally clear. You should be able to fully enjoy the distinguished image quality inherent to this celebrated lens.

Nikon S
hood, caps, case.
94% A
6 months warranty

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Current model or easy to find.
★★ Can be found with some efforts.
★★★ Not easy to find. Once 1~2 months.
★★★★ Rare item. Once a year(it depends on shops).
★★★★★ Super Rare. Once 5~10 years or more (it depends on shops).