Leitz VIDOM Finder VISET

Item No. 020962

Rarity: ★★★★

※About rarity

Leitz's first universal finder, introduced in 1931. This is an early model without built-in parallax correction. In Europe and America, it is also referred to as the Torpedo Viewfinder.

There are 15 different variations based on the frame types displayed. This particular unit is a VISET/VISIL with frames for 35/50/90/135mm, finished in black paint.

The finder shows a reversed image, and rotating the dial on the eyepiece by 45 degrees switches to a vertical image, while a 90-degree rotation corrects the horizontal orientation but inverts the vertical direction.

This finder is quite unique with its attached eyepiece. It is said to be a type used for later movie-viewing VIDOM finders, but details are unclear. If anyone has more information, please let us know!

The shoe area and parts frequently touched show some black paint loss, but it still retains a solid, dignified black appearance. The glass is free from noticeable cleaning marks, and the view is quite good.

The rare eyepiece allows for switching between vertical and horizontal image orientations while still attached.

Although it is not the most practical finder, it can be charmingly mounted on standard, DII, or DIII models to enjoy the classic vintage feel.

eye piece.
93% B
6 months warranty

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Current model or easy to find.
★★ Can be found with some efforts.
★★★ Not easy to find. Once 1~2 months.
★★★★ Rare item. Once a year(it depends on shops).
★★★★★ Super Rare. Once 5~10 years or more (it depends on shops).