M42 - Alpa Adapter Autobag

Item No. 024458

Rarity: ★★★

※About rarity

The Auto-Bag is a lens mount adapter made by Alpa, designed to convert a wide variety of M42 mount lenses to the Alpa mount. It supports automatic aperture control.

For manual aperture lenses that do not support automatic aperture control, the corresponding adapter is the Practibag.

Please note: This adapter cannot be used on rangefinder-equipped Alpa bodies such as the Alpa 7 or Alpa 8.

Overall, signs of use are visible. It is in a condition well-suited for practical use. Functionality has been confirmed on an Alpa body.

92% B
6 months warranty

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Current model or easy to find.
★★ Can be found with some efforts.
★★★ Not easy to find. Once 1~2 months.
★★★★ Rare item. Once a year(it depends on shops).
★★★★★ Super Rare. Once 5~10 years or more (it depends on shops).