Leica IIf Red Dial


Item No. 023206

Rarity: ★★

※About rarity
Leica IIf Red Dial. Leitz cord LUOON. Manufactured in 1954 with a serial number in the 670,000 range. The IIf is a model derived from the Leica IIIf, omitting the slow shutter speeds. This particular model features a red dial and shutter speeds up to 1/1000. The IIf, lacking a self-timer and slow-speed dial, offers excellent handling and fits snugly in the hand. It is a popular choice among enthusiasts for its simplicity. Paired with a contemporaneous red Elmar lens, it forms a classic Leitz standard set. The IIf and IIIf are known for their reliability and ease of maintenance, making them highly recommended for those entering the world of Barnack Leica. There are very light abrasions on the bottom plate and top cover, and a tiny mark near the viewfinder correction lever on the top cover side, but none of them are prominent and the camera maintains a sense of cleanliness overall. The vulcanite covering is original and the texture is still well defined. A service, including the replacement of the shutter curtains, was conducted in 2023. The winding and shutter dial movements are smooth, and the shutter feels responsive. It remains in a comfortable and functional condition. The viewfinder exhibits clear double images. Despite being 70 years old since its manufacture, this IIf is still capable of performing admirably."
Leica L
copy cap.
93% AB
6 months warranty

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Current model or easy to find.
★★ Can be found with some efforts.
★★★ Not easy to find. Once 1~2 months.
★★★★ Rare item. Once a year(it depends on shops).
★★★★★ Super Rare. Once 5~10 years or more (it depends on shops).