Contarex Bullseye
Made in 1960th. Built-in expoure mater. Beatiful condition.
S-Planar 50/4 (Contarex)
Close up lens for Contarex. Rare as silver and black total only about 400 productions.
Apo-Sonnar 200/2 (YC) MMJ
Planar 135/2 (YC) MMG 60 Years
Peggy II
@Extremely Rare@ Made by Krauss in Germany in 1931. Early version. Black/Nickel. Coupled with rangefinder window. Early type of double magazine. Many creative mechanism. With rare Biotar lens.
Tele-Tessar 300mm f8 (Contax)
Made since 1934. Black/Nickel. Early version. 4 elements in 3 groups. Rangefinder un-coupled yet an original pint glass is attached. Later 1939, Sonnar was manufactured instead of this lens. Very rare set. Fully serviced. Selling on consignment.
Planar 135/3.5 T* (Linhof)
Rare. There is a small coating damage, about 0.7mm, on the center of the front element, but it does not affect to picture image. Glasses and the lens barrel is quite clean.