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Skopagon 40mm f2 (Bessamatic)
Quasi-wide angle large aperture lens for Bessamatic, lens for Voigtlander SLR. Released in 1961. 9 elements in 6 groups, retrofocus type. Very slight scuffs on the barrel. The glass is very clean without cleaning marks.
93% B
Angenieux 28mm f3.5 (M42)
Angenieux 28mm Type R11 late version. Made in 1958. M42 screw mount. Preset aperture. Meter scale. 6 elements in 6 groups, Retrofocus type. Coming with a genuine front cap. The serial number on the box is matched.
Fully serviced in June 2018. The both glass and cosmetic are exeptional clean condition. Works very smooth. It is a nice lens not only for use but also for collection!
96% Mint
Meritar 50mm f2.9 (Exakta)
Made by Ernst Ludwig, Germarny. 3 elements in 3 groups. Triplet type. Standard lens for Kine Exakta. Good condition for an alminium barrel. The glass is also clean without much visitble marks. In good working condition!
93% B
Avenon Super Wide 21mm f2.8 Millennium (L)
Leica screw mount. Limited black barrel, released in 2000. No used marks and in beautiful condition. Fully serviced by previous owner. All the parts are in very good working condition. The glass is clean and clear!
Genuine caps are coming with. The UV filter is from Kokin.
97% Like New
Travegon 35mm f3.5 (L)
Leica screw mount lens from Schacht, Germany. Some cleaning marks on the coating of inner element, yet it does not affect to image quality. Cleaned and checked all the parts in 2016.
93% B
Trioplan 100mm f2.8 (Exakta)
Made by Meyer Gorlitz, Germany. Triplet. This lens is rare early lot, made in 1939. Well made of Brass and chrome plating finish. In good working condition!
Fully serviced in July 2018. Some marks on the barrel, yet still beautiful appearance. The glass is very clean without cleaning marks or haze. All the parts are move smoothly.
93% B
Angenieux 180mm f4.5 (M42)
Angenieux 180mm f4.5 Type P21 late version. Made in 1958. M42 screw mount. Meter scale. 5 elements in 4 groups. Coming with genuine caps. The serial number on the box is matched.
Fully serviced in June 2018. A trace of finger print on the rear element, yet it is only visible with strong LED light and does not affect to pictures. The other parts are beautiful condition! It is nice lens not only...
95% Mint
Macro-Takumar 50mm f4 (M42)
Macro lens for Asahi-Pentax SLR cameras. M42 mount. Preset aperture. Possible to close to 1:1. No used marks and the both barrel and glass are very clean. Coming with genuine yellow filter.
96% Mint
Topcor 20mm f4 (Exakta)
Provided for Topcon R series. Based on Exakta mount and the interlocking pin for exposure meter was added. No problem for use with digital bodies with using adapter. The most wide lens in this series.
A line of scratch on the barrel, yet still very clean in the both barrel and glass. Has lens cleaning and replacement of grease. In very good working condition.
95% Mint
Xenagon 30mm f3.5 (Robot)
Wide-Angle lens for Robot Royal 24. Made by Schneider. Not usable on Royal 36 series. Had a cleaning in May 2018. Quite clean glass without cleaning marks or haze. in Good working condition!
93% B
Old Delft Alfinon 50mm f2.8 (Alpa)
Lens for Alpa, made by Old Delft in the Netherlands. Made in 1952-58. Tessar type, 4 elements in 3 groups. Alminium barrel. Very clean glass without any cleaning marks or haze. Makes soft and expressive image. Please check our test shots!
94% A
Pentax-L 43mm f1.9 Limited (L)
Leica screw mount lens from Asahi. Special edition of Pentax FA 43mm. The both barrel and glass are very clean without any used marks.
96% Mint
GR 28mm f2.8 (L)
Made in 1997, 3000 limited edition with Leica screw mount. 7 elements in 4 groups. The both barrel and glass are very clean without any marks or balsam separation! Only one GR lens which can be possible to enjoy with Leica cameras.
94% A
Frilon 70mm f1.5 (M改)
93% B
Tele-Xenar 75mm f3.8 (Robot)
Robot screw mount. Useable on all the type Robot from pre-war model to Star 50 series made until 2000's. Feet scale. No coating, probably from the same age of Pre-war Robot II. Some dust inside, yet the glass is clean without any marks. Focusing good.
92% B
Trinol 105mm f3.5 (L)
Leica screw mount. The optics are from Natonal Opt. in England and the barrel is from STEWARTRY in Scotland. 3 elements in 3 groups, Triplet type. No coating. 12 aperture blades. Fully serviced in December 2017.
Coupling with rangefinder, yet slightly front focus except closest distance and infinity. No problem when useing with liveview cameas. Slight haze around the front element, yet it does...
92% B
Angenieux 90mm f2.5 (Rectaflex)
Type Y1. 4 elements in 4 groups. Made in 1949. Rectaflex mount. Feet scale. Telephoto lens from Angenieux. With light blue coating. Makes nice images! Please check our test shots.
Slight cleaning marks on the front element, and some coating damage around the rear element, yet still in good condition for Angenieux lens. 2 very small dents on the helicoid and some scuffs on the edge of the barrel...
93% B
OM Zuiko Shift 24mm f3.5 (F改)
Wide-angle shift 24mm f3.5 lens in Nikon F mount, converted from OM mount. Very clean appearance. A few slight cleaning marks are visible with strong LED light, yet still clear glass without haze. Good working condition.
95% Mint
Zunow 35mm f1.7 (L)
Made by Zunow Opt. Released in 1958. 7 elements in 5 groups. Late type in black. Slight haze at the inner element, a small balsam separation at the center of the inner element. Clean barrel. There are some oil on the aperture blades.
Very rare, sought after lens. Its performance was very good, please see our photo gallery. Selling on consignment.
92% B
Hugo Meyer Doppel Plasmat 195mm f4
Combination lens from Hugo Meyer. Screw mount, about 66.5φ. Focal lengths are 195mm f4 when they combin, and 320mm f8 with only rear group. Slight cleaning marks on the front element and very small trace of fungus on the edge of rear element.
Coming with an extention tube for Pentax 67 and an adapter that was converted from helicoid.
91% C
Unknown Petzval 75mm
Unknown Brass lens. No any marks, but it might be made around 1900. Petzval type. Converted to M42 mount. Setting on a bit of over infinity. Focal length is about 75mm, f-number is about 2.8 *measured with a7.
Since there is no aperture, it would be always at open position.
Some dust inside, yet still clear glass. Makes distinctive image with much flare. Please check our test shots.
92% B
Angenieux 90mm f1.8 (M42)
Type P1. Late version. 5 elements in 4 groups, Ernostar type. Meter scale. Adapter was took away from Rectaflex mount and made M42 mount. *The adapter is included. Focus is good!
Fully serviced in September 2017. All the parts are in good working condition. Coating has a little roughs, yet cleaning marks are quite less for Angenieux.
92% B
Primoplan 80mm f1.9 (M42改)
Made by Meyer Gorlitz around 1934. 5 elements in 4 groups. Standard lens for Nacht Exakta convered to M42 using helicoid for Leitz Visoflex 16462. Also Fully serviced. Slight cleaning marks on the front element, yet still clean glass without haze.
The lens is separateable and possible to put back to the original camera. The Exakta is in working condition, yet needs maintenance. Please take the...
93% B
Dallmeyer Super-Six 4inch f1.9 (M42改)
102mm. Halo and flare appear at near opening position. Hood is must item. The image at opening position is like beautiful paintings!
Boyer Saphir 50/2.8 (M42)
Zunow 50mm f1.1 (L) Black
Taika Harigon 58mm f1.2 (Exakta)
93% B
RE GN Topcor 50mm f1.4 (Exakta)
For Topcon from Tokyo Kougaku. In Exakta mount. It famous as an radioactive lens. The barrel is very clean. Slight cleaning marks are visibule on inner elements when using strong LED light, yet still clean glass. The hood has engraving 5.8cm f1.4.
The hood has emglaving 5.8cm f1.4
93% B
Astro-Berlin Astan 47mm f2.9 (M42)
Made by Rau-Optik Wetzlar. Said it is designed by Astro Berin. Meter scale. 3 elememts in 3 groups. It should be provided for rare SLR camera FECA, but this lens is in M42 mount. No modification marks and should be originally made for M42.
Clean glass and makes nice image! Please check our test shots.
93% B
Avenon 28mm f3.5 (L) Black
Leica screw mount. Wide-angle lens from Anenon. Early type. The closest distance is 1m. Black finish. Very clean glass and appearance. Coupled with rangefinder, tested with Leica M240. The case has dry damage.
94% A
Emil Busch Rapid Aplanat No.3 Ser. D f8
Made by Emil Busch . 4 elements in 2 groups. Achromat type. F6-F384. Focal length is about 280mm, and it may cover about 5x7. Coming with Linhof type board. The barrel is clean and some slight scuffs on the glass.
92% B
Unknown Petzval 50mm
Unidentified Brass lens. Made around 1900. Not any name stamp on it. Petzval type. Focal length is about 50mm. No aperture blades and the f-value is about 2.8.
The mount is converted to M42. Set slightly over infinity. Some dust inside, yet still clear glass. Please check our test shots!
92% B
Astro-Berlin TV-Tachar 50mm f1.5 (M改)
Made by Astro-Berlin. Converted to Leica screw LTM mount (coming with L/M adapter). Doesn't cover 35mm full frame, yet covers APS-H sensor such as Leica M8. 16 aperture blades. As an alminium barrel, a little blacken, yet no dent or visible scratches.
The glass is clean without any haze or scuffs. Modified to coupled with rangefinder in June 2017, yet rarely a bit of deviation is appears at mi...
93% B
Russar 20mm f5.6 (L)
Leica screw mount lens from Russia. 6 elements in 4 groups. No coating. Uncoupled with rangefinder. Super wide-angle lens with good reputations since 1960's. The both barrel and glass are very clean and focse is good.
93% B
Taylor-Hobson Xenon 50mm f1.5 (L)
92% B
Orthometar 135mm f4.5
Pre-war, made in Jena. Wide-angle lens from Carl Zeiss. Coming with Pentax 67 adapter, yet there is no helicoid and needs a bellows or extension helicoid. The glass is clean without scratches and haze.
93% B
Angenieux 50mm f1.5 (M42)
Type S21, late version. Made in 1959. 6 elements 4 groups. This lens is getting rare nowadays. Fully serviced in 2017. Slight coating damage on the front element, yet still pretty clean!
93% B
Dallmeyer Stigmatic Series II No.4
Made by Dallmeyer in UK. 5 elements in 3 groups. Forcuing distance is 7.6 inch. Made around 1898. Opening aperture is f6. Some bubbles inside, yet still very clean.
92% B
Kino-Plasmat 25mm f1.5 (L改)
Converted to Leica LTM from C mount. No coupling with rangefinder. Black Paint/Nickel. With M cameras, it interferes the distance meter roller. Slight dust inside, yet the glass is clean and clear. Closest distance is 15cm. Please check our test shots!
92% B
Planar 135mm f3.5 (Linhof)
Planar 135mm f3.5 provided for Linhof. The coating on the front elements is damaged, yet still the glass is clear. Coming with Linhof board.
91% C
Macro-Switar 50mm f1.8 (Alpa)
Macro-Switar for Apla. 7 elements in 5 groups apochromat. Glass is cleaned in March 2017. Clean barrel! The coating on rear element is damaged, see the 9th picture. However, it does not affect to image quality. Please check our test shots!
92% B
Hermagis Dellynx 50mm f3.5 (L改)
Coverted to Leica Screw mount by M&S Optical. Originaly made by Hermagis, France. Probably separated from a 35mm French camera in 1930's. Some haze on the inner element. Makes interesting images. Please check our test shots. *Selling on consignment.
91% C
Russar MP-2 20mm f5.6 (L)
Leica screw mount lens from Russia. 6 elements in 4 groups. No coating. Uncupled with rangefinder. Super wide-angle lens with good reputations since 1960's. The both barrel and glass are very clean and focsing well. Finder has some used marks.
93% B
Dallmeyer Serrac 8 1/2inch f4.5
Large format lens from Dallmeyer. Non-coating. Covering 8x10. Slight scuffs on the front and rear elements.
92% B
Fujinon 50mm f1.2 (Contax) Black
Late version Fujinon in black barrel. 8 elements in 4 groups. Most of this lens are in Leica L mount, yet some of Nikon S and Contax mount are made. Quite rare lens! Little used marks on the barrel, yet the glass is clean.
93% B
Komura 135mm f2.3 (Bronica)
For Bronica large bayonet mount with helicoid. Preset aperture. The lens head separate from the helicoid and usable on Bronica D and S. For after S2 bodies, usable without separation of the helicid. Very clean glass! *Selling on consignment.
Astro-Berlin Pan-Tachar 125/2.3 (L改)
From Astro-Berlin in Germany, has high reputation for Cine lens. 4 elements in 4 groups. Modified to Leica L mount. Not coupled with rangefinder. Non-coated. Light weight aluminium barrel. Glass is clean and makes nice images. Please check our test shots!
92% B
Television Ektanon 50mm f1.9 (L改)
@RARE@ Made around 1941. Ektanon for cinema was modified to Leica L mount with helicoid from Canon. Fully serviced in July 2016. Very slight cleaning marks, yet still clean glass. Makes nice images. Please check our test shots!
Kinoptik 150/2.8 (Pentax 67改)
Kinoptik for Alpa, manufactured 324 lots between 1961-81, modified to Pentax 67. Some ruff of coating on the rear element, yet the glass itself is clean. The hood is no original.
Soligor 35/2.8 (Miranda T)
@RARE@ Miranda Bayonet mount. Auto diaphragm connecting with the shutter. It should be made by Kowa Opt. becuase of the K mark infront of the serial number. Helicoid and aperture rings are a little heavy, yet the glass is very clean!
Zenzanon 100/2.8
A little plating off on the side of the maounting mark. Some cleaning marks on the front element. Yet, still totally in good condition.
Macro-Switar 50/1.9 (Alpa)
Macro-Switar for Alpa. f1.9. Released in 1968. 8 elements in 5 groups. Feet scale. Manufacturing number is 6303. Apochromat. Very clean glass without any cleaning marks and in good working order! The hood is from age of f1.8. Please check our test shots.
Royal Optik Luminar 55mm f1.8 (L)
@RARE@ Made by Royal Optik, Germany. Aluminum barrel. 5 elements in 4 groups. Leica mount and with rangedinfer cam, yet does not coupled in close distance. Good for mirror-less or live view. Fully serviced in May 2016. Please check our test shots.
Zunow 50mm f1.3 (L)
@RARE@ Feet scale. Manufacturing number is probably less than 100. Fully serviced in April 2016.
Iscoliton 50mm f2 (Exakta)
Auto diaphragm lens for Exakta from Isoc in Gottingen, Germany. Double Gauss type. There is not many literature on this lens, yet it is probably a name changed lens of M42 mount Westagon. All the parts are adjusted in March 2016. Makes nice images!
Dallmeyer Ser XII Projection 75mm (L改)
Macro-Switar 50/1.8 (Alpa)
Macro-Switar for Alpa. A few slight cleaning marks on the front element, yet still clean glass. All the parts working smoothly. Fully serviced in April 2016.
Kern Switar 50/1.8 (Alpa)
Auto Switar. Made in 1955-66. Apochromat lens with 7 elements in 5 groups. 15 aperture blades. The both barrel and glass are very clean! The hood is rare. Please check our test shots.
Apo-Grandagon 35/4.5 (Hasselblad ArcBody)
Made by Rodenstock. Super wide angle lens for Hasselblad ArcBody. The both barrel and glass are very clean and the shutter working well.
MS Sonnetar Soft Focus 50/1.1 (L) Silver
Made for special order of special edition of Soft Focus Sonnetar. Only one product.
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