Prolinear 135/1.9 (M42改)
@RARE@ Made by Rietzschel, Germany. 4 elements in 4 groups. Made around 1925. Manufactured small number for Night Mentor 6x9. Modified to M42 mount. The lens covers 5x7 size. Makes unique image, cannot see with present age lenses. Fully serviced.
Astro-Berlin Pan-Tachar 75/1.8 (M42改)
Non-coated. Aluminum barrel. Spiral bokeh at opening position, however makes good image with nice atmosphere when set the aperture at right position. It is a tricky and fun to use. Slight cleaning marks on the front element, yet still clean as Pan-Tachar.
Ernostar 105/1.8 (M42改)
This lens was famous of being designed by Ludwig Bertele for Ermanox. Modified to M42 mount. Perfect working order, making fantastic bokeh. The appearance itself is also nice. Fully serviced on May 2014.
Apogor 3inch f2.3 (M42改)
Sonnar 85/2 (M42改)
T coating Sonnar made in 1945 modified to M42 mount. 6 elements in 3 groups. Aluminum barrel. Very slight cleaning mark on coating on inner element, however it does not effect to image quality.
Biotar 80/2 (M42改)
Modified to M42 from VP Exakta mount. Made in 1933. Slight coating damage in the front element, however it is still very clean as its age. Excellent round aperture. Our test shot shows sharp and natural color images.
Hugo Meyer Set Plasmat 3 1/2 inch f4.5 (M42改)
Hugo Meyer New York ordeed it to home country of Germany. Originally, it had 3 types of focal length with convention of front and rear parts. After modification to M42 mount, it is only for 3 1/2 inch(90mm) f4.5 and works from 30cm close-up to infinitive.