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Contax RF
Orthometar 35mm f4.5 (Contax)
Feet scale. Wide Angle Lens from prewar Carl Zeiss Jena. Made around 1938. Said the Orthometar was manufactured about 1,750 pieces. No-coating.
Using with Contax-Leica Adapter, it interferes the distance meter roller on Leica Cameras, yet no problem with Mirror less cameras. Glass cleaned and greased up in 2019. In very good working condition. Clean barrel. Clear glass without cleaning marks!
93% B
Sonnar 50mm f1.5 (Contax)
Pre-WWII type. No coating. For Contax II and III. Just came back from our custmer. Still in good working condition. Elements and aperture blades cleaned in 2018.
Faing cleaning marks in front element. Slight haze and balsam separation found in middle element. Good for use.
92% B
Biometar 35mm f2.8 (Contax)
Manufactured in 1950's. T coated. 5 elements in 4 groups. Contax mount. Around 1,500 pcs produced. Very sharp & clear picture. Comes with box, pouch, caps. Good for collection.
Serviced in 2020. Good working condition. Clean barrel. Clean glass. Coating remains in each elements. No haze. Test shooting result is so fine.
93% B
Sonnar 85mm f2 (Contax)
Made in 1939. Beautiful Chrome barrel. Non-Coating. Meter scale. 6 elements in 3 groups. Fully serviced in Jan. 202o. All the parts move smoothly. Haze on the inner element. Yet, still makes nice image! Please check our test shots!
93% B
Sonnar 85mm f2 (Contax)
Made in 1938. Beautiful Chrome. Meter scale. No coating. The same era of Contax II/III. 6 elements in 3 groups. Coming with genuine caps.
The glass is very clean without visible marks or haze. Very slight scuffs on the barrel, yet still clean and all the parts move smoothly. With original caps. Rear cap is with Suttgart logo, after WWII type.
94% A
Topogon 25mm f4 (Contax)
Made by Carl Zeiss Jena around 1950. For Contax Rangefinder cameras. 4 elements in 4 groups. Meter scale. Only one Topogon lens could be used with 35mm cameras. No-coupling with rangefinder.
Aluminium barrel with slight used marks. Clean glass without major cleaning marks or haze. Good working condition.
94% AB
Biotar 40mm f2 (Contax)
Chrome plated. Non-coated. Meter scale. 6 elements in 4 gorups. Manufactured in 1935. Around Contax II period. About 360 pcs produced by 1945, dissolution of Zeiss Ikon. With original box. Good for collection. Rare Item. *Sales on Consignment
Very Clean Glass and Barrel. Very slight used marks found in front edge of barrel, filter screw part. No major scuffs. Good-conditioned Biotar. Good worki...
94% A
Sonnar 50mm f1.5 (Contax)
From pre-war Zeiss. No coating. From the same age of Contax II, III. Fully serviced in August 2019. All the functions are in good working conditionNot much sued marks and the Chrome platting is in good condition. The appearance is clean.
A few slight cleaning marks on the front element and sligh balsam separation around the edge of rear element, yet still in good condition as the old Sonnar. G...
92% B
Biogon 21mm f4.5 (Contax)
Wide angel lens for Contax IIa, IIIa etc. Not usable with Digital Leica M sereis because of its rear part sticking out. Be careful when fitting this lens to degital cameras. Faint sign of use. Very slight deterioration of coating found in front element.
Good working condition. Test shooting result is very fine, thank to good-conditioned glass.
94% A
Sonnar 50mm f1.5 (Contax)
From Prewar Zeiss. No coating. The same era with Contax II, III. About 3mm scratch on the barrel, yet still clean. The glass has slight balsam separation around rear element, yet it does not affect to image quality. No haze. Please check our test shots.
Fully serviced in July 2019. All the parts move very smoothly!
92% B
Sonnar 85mm f2 (Contax)
Made in 1948. Postwar made, by Carl Zeiss Jena. Aluminum barrel. Meter scale. 6 elements in 3 groups. Has high reputation for portrait. Some scratches and scuffs on the barrel, yet still good appearance without aluminum corrosion.
Fully serviced in June 2019. All the parts are move smoothly. The glass is very clean without cleaning marks or haze. Coating is also in good condition.
93% B
Topogon 25mm f4 (Contax)
Made by post-war Carl Zeiss Jena. Topogon 25mm for Contax. 4 elements in 4 groups. Meter scale. No-coupling with rangefinder. Only one Topogon lens for using 35mm cameras. Rare lens for Contax. Please check our test shots!
The light weight alminium barrel is clean without noticable makrs or dent. The glass is also clean without cleaning marks. All the parts are adjusted, including focus in 2019...
93% B
Biogon 35mm f2.8 (Contax)
Post-war Biogon for Contax RF from Zeiss Opton. 7 elements in 4 groups. Pale purple T coating. Meter scale. Beautiful chrome platting barrel. Makes very good performance.
Fully serviced in 2016 and back from our customer after some enjoyment. Very slight cleaning mark is seen with strong LED light, yet it does not affect to image quality. Very good working condition.
94% A
Sonnar 50mm f1.5 (Contax) Black
For Contax I. Made in 1934. In Black/Nickel. No coating. 85 years passed and aging marks seen on the barrel. Aged glass but still clean. Test shoot result is very fine. Good working condition.
92% B
Biotar 42.5mm f2 (Contax)
Biotar 4.25cm f2 in Chrome. Made in 1937. 6 elements in 4 groups. Feet scale. From the same era of Contax II. Rare lens, manufactured abount 360. Makes nice images. Please check our test shots!
Some slight scuffs on the barrel, yet still clean. All the parts move smoothly. White ring of haze around the edge of front element, yet still in good condition as over 80 years old lens!
93% B
Biogon 35mm f2.8 (Contax)
For pre-war Contax RF. Meter scale. No coating. Since the rear element is protruding, it can not be attached to IIa, IIIa and Leica bodies with adapter. The caps are genuine and also the leather pouch!
Fully serviced in October 2018. All the parts move smoothly. Slight scuffs on the front element and it might affect to image quality at backlight position. Please check our test shots!
92% B
Sonnar 135mm f4 (Contax)
Post-war Sonnar 135mm for Contax IIa / IIIa. Made by Carl Zeiss, Stuttgart. Light weight aluminium barrel. Some scuffs on the barrel, yet the glass are very clean. Good for use.
93% B
Biogon 35mm f2.8 (Contax)
Post-war Biogon for Contax RF. 7 elements in 4 groups. Meter scale. Pale purple T coating. Made of brass with chrome platting finish. *It is not usable on Leica M digital cameras even through adapter becuase the barrel touchs inside of the body.
Fully serviced in July 2018. Some coating damages on the glass, yet it does not affect to image quality. Still clean glass and barrel. Good working con...
93% B
Triotar 85mm f4 (Contax) Black
For Contax RF. Made in 1935. Meter scale. From the same era with Black Contax. Late type with 42mm filter frame. *The early type is 37mm. Beautiful Black Nickel finish.
One scratch on the filter frame, yet the barrel and glass are very clean! Focusing is very good.
93% B
Nikkor 85mm f2 (Contax)
For Contax RF. C mark on the barrel. Released in 1948. Early type. Feet scale. 5 elements in 3 groups, Sonnar type. 10 blades, circular aperture. The both barrel and glass are clean!
94% A
Triotar 85mm f4 (Contax) Black
For Contax RF. Made in 1934. Black/Nickel/ Feet scale. Product at the age of Black Contax. A little rare lens. Late type with filter frame 42mm. *The early type is 37mm.
Some touch-up spots on the paint, yet still in good condition of barrel. glass is clean. The cap is from the age of Contax II.
92% B
Sonnar 85mm f2 (Contax)
Sonnar for Chrome Contax. Made in 1937. Meter scale. Large diameter Zoom lens form Pre-war Zeiss Ikon. The both barrel and glass are very clean. All the parts are in good working condition. Fully serviced in October 2017. *Selling on consignment.
95% Mint
Zunow 50/1.1 (Contax)
@RARE@ Pingpong.
Sonnar 85mm f2 (Contax) Black
@Very RARE@ Made in 1934. Black/Nickel. This lens was shipped to China and have engraving as For China 徳国製.
The both barrel and glass are very clean! It is difficult to find such good condition of Black Sonnar. Fully serviced in 2017. Works very smoothly and glass is very clean, free from haze and cleaning marks.
93% B
Olympia Sonnar 180mm f2.8 (Contax)
Released in 1936. Provided for Contax users at the Berlin Olympics. Direct mount type and coupled with rangfinder. Tripod mount and barrel has slight scuffs, yet still clean. Somw oil on the aperture blades. Glass in clean. *Selling on consignment.
93% B
Fujinon 50mm f1.2 (Contax) Black
Late version Fujinon in black barrel. 8 elements in 4 groups. Most of this lens are in Leica L mount, yet some of Nikon S and Contax mount are made. Quite rare lens! Little used marks on the barrel, yet the glass is clean.
93% B
Olympia Sonnar 180mm f2.8 (Contax)
Sonnar 50mm f1.5 (Contax) Black
For Contax I. Made in 1935. Black/Nicke. Non-coated. Usable with other contax and Nikon Rangefinder. The barrel is for both f1.5 and f2 and the filter frame is in chrome. Rare version! Clean glass without cleaning marks. Some oil on the aperture blades.
Sonnar 50mm f2 (Contax) Black
For Contax I. Made in 1932. 6 elements in 3 groups. Early model. Usable for other Contax bodies and Nikon rangefinder. With T mark but non-coated, it should be added later. A few cleaning marks, yet still clear glass. Fully serviced in September 2016.
Orthometar 35/4.5 (Contax)
Meter scale. Wind angle lens for Contax. Made only 1750 lots. Very slight haze on the inner element, yet still in god condition as this lens. Helicoid is very smooth. Good for use!
Biogon 21/4.5 (Contax)
Made in Ziess Oberkochen, Germany. Feet scale. Super wide angle lens for Contax IIa. Not possible to used with Leica M cameras even with adapter becuase fo protruded rear element. Set with original rear cap, finder and pouch.
Tessar 50/2.8 (Contax)
Collapsible Tessar f2.8 for Rangefinder Contax. Black/Nickel. Some cleaning marks on the front element, yet still in good condition as its age. The barrel is clean! Fully serviced in February 2016.
Sonnar 85/2 (Contax) Black
@Rare@ Black/Nickel. Made in 1934. Meter scale. With riginal hood. Aperture and Helicoid rings move smoothly. Slight cleaning marks on the front elemnt, yet still quite clean glass without haze. The front cap is post-war model. Fully serviced in Feb 2016.
Tele-Tessar 180/6.3 (Contax) Black
@RARE@ Direct mount. Meter scale. Black/Nickel. Made in 1933. 4 elements in 3 groups. The longest focal length Contax lens which is coupling with rangefinder. The glass is very clean!
*The camera on the picture is not included.
Sonnar 85/2 (Contax) Black
@Rare@ Black Sonnar for Contax! Black/Nickel. Made in 1933. Meter scale. The Albada finder for 50/85mm is also rare, yet it is not clear by ageing. Working smooth and lass is very clean! The cap is post-war model. Fully serviced in May 2015.
Biometar 35/2.8 (Contax)
@RARE@ Made by Jena, post-war around 1950. 5 elemnts in 4 groups. Very clean glass. Fully serviced in May 2015.
Herar 35mm f3.5 (Contax)
Released in 1938. Non-coated. 5 elements in 2 groups. Chrome gild on brass barrel. Made as popular edition of Biogon 35/2.8, yet the manufacturing was stopped in short period and it is getting rare nowadays. The glass is clean!
Tessar 28/8 (Contax) Black
Black/Nickel. Made in 1934. 4 elements in 3 groups. For RF Contax. Not coupled with rangefinder, yet usable with pan-focus. Aperture blade was cleaned up in 2015. The glass is clean. Makes sharp image! The camera on the pictures is not included.
Biotar 40/2 (Contax)
@RARE@ Made in 1935. 6 elements in 4 groups. From the age of Contax II. The both barrel and glass are clean. Focusing well!
Sonnar 85/2 (Contax)
Slight oil on the aperture blades.
Tessar 28/8 (Contax)
Made in 1939. 4 elements in 3 groups. For RF Contax. Rangefinder un-coupled, yet usable in pan-focus. Fully serviced in January 2015. The glass is very clean. Small lens but makes surprisingly sharp image. *The camera on the pictures are not included.
Angenieux 35/2.5 (Contax)
Type R1. Early version. Made in 1950. Retrofocus. The Contax RF mount is very rare! Meter scale. The original cap is also rare. The both barrel and the glass are clean.
Angenieux 90/2.5 (Contax)
Type Y1. Made in 1947. 4 elements in 4 groups. Rare Contax mount! The coating is beautiful blue-purple. Very clean glass without noticeable cleaning marks as Angenieux lens.
S-Zunow 50/1.1 (Contax)
Rare S-ZUNOW 50/1.1 in Contax Mount. Slight trace of mold on the front element, but the othe elements are very clean. Very Zunow taste at open F1.1, and it makes very sharp image at F5.6. Please refer to the sample images.Fully serviced on July, 2014.
Tele-Tessar 300mm f8 (Contax)
Made since 1934. Black/Nickel. Early version. 4 elements in 3 groups. Rangefinder un-coupled yet an original pint glass is attached. Later 1939, Sonnar was manufactured instead of this lens.
Very rare set. Fully serviced. Selling on consignment.
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