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Leica Copies
Xenogon 35mm f2.8 (L)
Leica screw mount lens from Schneider. Feet scale. Some scuffs on the barrel. Slight stain and coating damage on the inner element, yet still in good working condition for this lens. Makes nice image. Please check our test shots!
93% B
Nikkor 50mm f1.1 (L)
@RARE@ In Leica screw mount. Released in 1956. 9 elements in 6 groups. Feet scale. Nikon S mount was manufactured quite a lot, yet the L mount is pretty rare, manufactured about only 200.
Slight balsam on inner element and slight cleaning marks on the rear element, yet still clean glass. The barrel has some used marks. The aperture blades and glass are cleaned in 2017. Aperture scale is a bit ...
93% B
Astro-Berlin TV-Tachar 50mm f1.5 (M改)
Made by Astro-Berlin. Converted to Leica screw LTM mount (coming with L/M adapter). Doesn't cover 35mm full frame, yet covers APS-H sensor such as Leica M8. 16 aperture blades. As an alminium barrel, a little blacken, yet no dent or visible scratches.
The glass is clean without any haze or scuffs. Modified to coupled with rangefinder in June 2017, yet rarely a bit of deviation is appears at mi...
93% B
Russar 20mm f5.6 (L)
Leica screw mount lens from Russia. 6 elements in 4 groups. No coating. Uncoupled with rangefinder. Super wide-angle lens with good reputations since 1960's. The both barrel and glass are very clean and focse is good.
93% B
Sonnar 50mm f1.5 (L)
Leica Screw mount. It has Carl Zeiss Jena mark, yet unknown if it was made in Jena. It is thought that it was assembled at the Post War chaos. In the WestLicht auction in 2016, one in chrome finish, serial number 2407676 was on auction.
There is a T couating mark, yet it is no coating. The focul length is about 58mm or 60mm. Some scuffs on the glass, yet still clean for Leica Sonnar. Fully serv...
92% B
Angenieux 50mm f2.9 (L)
Type Z2. Originaly Leica screw mount. Made in 1948. 3 elements in 3 groups, triplet type. Meter scale. collapsible type.
Slight cleaning marks, yet still clear glass. Very good condition for Angenieux. Fully serviced in March 2017. Focusing very well. Please check our test shots!
93% B
Canon 50mm f1.2 (L)
Leica Screw mount. Meter scale. 7 elements in 5 groups. Released in 1956. From the age of Canon 7. Very clean without any haze! It is hard to find in this clear glass for this lens.Coupled with rangefinder and focusing good!
The original hood is also very clean with leather case!
93% B
Canon 85mm f1.8 (L)
Released in 1961. Leica screw mount lens from Canon. 5 elements in 4 groups. From the age of Canon 7. The barrel and glass are very clean. Comeing with original caps, 58mm UV filter. Focusing well!
94% A
Angenieux 28mm f3.5 (L)
Type R11, late version. Leica screw mount. feet scale. Retroforcus. 6 elements in 6 groups. Made in 1957. The both barrel and glass are very clean! All the parts move smoothly.
Rangefinder slightly overs at infinity, yet it does not affect to focusing from the closest distance to infinity.
Our test shots are all at open aperture. *Selling on consignment. The camera is not included.
94% A
Zunow 50mm f1.1 (L)
Mid type Zunow 50mm f1.1. 9 elements in 4 groups. Feet scale. Very nice focusing and performance. Both the barrel and glass is very clean. Especially, the glass is exceptional clean as a Zunow lens, without any cleaning marks and haze etc.
Fully serviced in April 2017. All the parts move smoothly. The barrel has very slight scuffs, yet still very clean. Focusing is very well from the closest ...
94% A
Nikkor 35mm f2.5 (L)
Leica screw mount. 6 elements in 4 groups. Little used marks on the barrel and slight cleaning marks on the glass, yet still clean and in good working condition.
93% B
Hugo Meyer Kinon Superior I 50mm f1.6 (M改)
Made by Hugo Meyer for projectors around 1933. Petzval Type, 4 elements in 3 groups. Added aperture and convertd to Leica M mount by Miyazaki Kogaku. Clean glass!
93% B
Kino-Plasmat 25mm f1.5 (L改)
Converted to Leica LTM from C mount. No coupling with rangefinder. Black Paint/Nickel. With M cameras, it interferes the distance meter roller. Slight dust inside, yet the glass is clean and clear. Closest distance is 15cm. Please check our test shots!
92% B
Hermagis Dellynx 50mm f3.5 (L改)
Coverted to Leica Screw mount by M&S Optical. Originaly made by Hermagis, France. Probably separated from a 35mm French camera in 1930's. Some haze on the inner element. Makes interesting images. Please check our test shots. *Selling on consignment.
91% C
Nikkor 35mm f3.5 (L)
Leica screw mount lens from Nikon. Had a cleaning and clean glass without any cleaning marks or haze. Compact wide-angle lens. Please check our test shots!
94% A
Hexanon 50mm f1.9 (L)
Late type Hexanon with Leica screw mount. 6 elements in 5 groups. Feet scalse. Filter size is 40.5mm screw type. Provided for Japanese Leica copies. The both barrel and glass are very clean!
94% A
Russar MP-2 20mm f5.6 (L)
Leica screw mount lens from Russia. 6 elements in 4 groups. No coating. Uncupled with rangefinder. Super wide-angle lens with good reputations since 1960's. The both barrel and glass are very clean and focsing well. Finder has some used marks.
93% B
Astro-Berlin Astro-Portrait 150mm f2.3 (L)
Leica L. 4 elements in 3 groups. Set with reflexhousing, Identoskop and using as actual aperture SLR style, same as Visoflex. 74.5mm screw mount when remove the Identoskop. Slight haze and some dust inside, yet still good for use. *Selling on consignment.
92% B
Topcor-S 50mm f2 (L)
Topcor standard lens in Leica TLM. 6 elements in 4 groups. Meter scale. Provided for Nicca and Reotax around 1954. Late type with alminium barrel. Very slight cleaning marks on the inner element, yet still clean and does not affect to image quality.
92% B
Old Delft Delfar 90mm f4.5 (L改)
From Old Delft in the Netherlands. Converted to Leica screw mount. Not rangefinder coupled. Recommend to use with Mirrorless or Liveview. Very slight cleaning marks on the glass, yet still clear without haze. Makes nice image! Please check our test shots.
93% B
Hexanon 50mm f1.9 (L)
Early type of Leica screw mount Hexanon. Made around 1955. 6 elements in 5 groups. FIlter size is 39.5mm, screw in type. The both barrel and glass are very clean. All the parts are move smoothly. Fully serviced in August 2016. Please check our test shots!
Fujinon 50mm f2 (L)
Leica screw mount. Gauss type, 6 elements in 4 groups. Meter scale. Provieded for Reotax around 1950. The front cap has "Reotax" mark. Some used marks and slight cleaning marks on the front element, yet still very good consition!
Astro-Berlin Pan-Tachar 125/2.3 (L改)
From Astro-Berlin in Germany, has high reputation for Cine lens. 4 elements in 4 groups. Modified to Leica L mount. Not coupled with rangefinder. Non-coated. Light weight aluminium barrel. Glass is clean and makes nice images. Please check our test shots!
92% B
Zunow 50/1.1 (L)
Middle type of Zunow. 9 elements in 4 groups. Marked Teikoku Kogaku. Balsam on the inner element, yet it does not affect to image quality. Fully serviced in 2016. Makes beautiful images. Please check our test shots.
Fujinon 50/1.2 (L) Black
Late type of Fujinon. 8 elements in 4 groups. A bit of used marks on the barrel, yet the glass is clean. Fully serviced in July 2016. Focusing well. Please check our test shots!
Biogon 21/4.5 (L改)
Biogon 21mm for Contarex modified to Leica L mount. Coming with M mount adapter. Made by Zeiss, Oberkochen. Feet scale. Need attention for rear element becuase it does not have a guard. Makes very sharp image.
Angenieux 50/1.8 (L改)
Type S1. Made in 1946. 6 elements in 4 groups. Meter scale. Non-coating. Modefied with a barrel of Elmar 50/2.8. Beatiful workmanship! Makes nice image, please check our test shots! Fully serviced.
Ektar 47/2 (L)
Standard lens for Kardon Military. Gauss type, 6 elements in 4 groups. Very slight cleaning marks on the front element, yet still clean and all the parts work smoothly. Fully serviced in 2016.
Som Berthiot Flor 50/2.8 (L改)
Tessar type with 4 elements in 3 groups. Modified to Leica L mount. Beatiful light blue coating. Fucusing very well! High resolution power. A little damage on coating, yet it is still clean for Flor. Please check our test shots.
Tessar 75/3.5 (L)
Tessar lens from 1920's modified by Ziess around mid 30's. No-coating. Chrom plating on brass barrel. Slight cleaning marks on the front element. Coupled with rangefinder. Closest distance is 1m. Fits 34mm filter for Summar. Please check our test shots!
Rollei Planar 80/2.8 HFT (L) Black
Released in 2002. 5 elements in 4 groups. Rollei original High Fidelity Transfer coating. The closest distance is 1.2m. Usable Rolleiflex lens with Leica rangidinder body! Very clean barrel and glass!
Television Ektanon 50mm f1.9 (L改)
@RARE@ Made around 1941. Ektanon for cinema was modified to Leica L mount with helicoid from Canon. Fully serviced in July 2016. Very slight cleaning marks, yet still clean glass. Makes nice images. Please check our test shots!
Fujinon 50/2.8 (L)
Leica Screw mount. MEter scale. Provided for Reotax aroung 1950. 5 elements in 4 groups. Xenotar type is rare in the L mount lenses. The glass was cleaned in June 2016. Very good condition for this lens.
Arriflex-Cine-Xenon 75/2 (L改)
Modified to Leica L mount. Un-coupring with rangefinder. Compact and light weight. High resolution and makes nice images. Little cleaning marks and slight stain on the inner element, yet it does not affect to image quality. Please check our test shots!
Xenogon 35/2.8 (L)
Leica screw mount lens from Schneider. Feet scale. Without cleaning marks and haze, clean glass for Xenogon. Fully serviced in June 2016. Makes sharp image!
Angenieux 28mm f3.5 (L)
Type R11, early with Leica screw mount. Retrofocus type. 6 elements in 6 groups. Made in 1953. Slight cleaning marks yet it does not image quality. Working smoothly. Fully serviced in June 2016. * The camera body on the pictures is not included.
Royal Optik Luminar 55mm f1.8 (L)
@RARE@ Made by Royal Optik, Germany. Aluminum barrel. 5 elements in 4 groups. Leica mount and with rangedinfer cam, yet does not coupled in close distance. Good for mirror-less or live view. Fully serviced in May 2016. Please check our test shots.
Berthiot Perigraphe No.2 Serie VI 90/14 (L改)
Early wide-angle Berthiot. Covers over 5x7. Round circle aperture with f14, f20, f28, f40, f56. Makes sharp and high resolution image. Modified with a barrel of Elmar 90mm. Possible to enjoy the over 100 years old lens with coupling rangefidner.
Heligon 35/2.8 (L)
Leica Screw mount lens by Rodenstock, Germany. Meter scale. Fully serviced in May 2016, yet it still has some stains and rough part of coating unfortunately. However, still makes nice image and focusing well! The barrel is in beatiful condition.
Wollensak Velostigmat 50mm f3.5 + 90mm f4.5 + 127mm f4.5 (L)
N.Y. Leitz ordered to Wallensak for manufacturing after war. Only 5 years distribution and quite rare model as original Leitz but manufactured by other company. All the lens are Tessar type. 90mm has 2 visible cleaning marks. Good for use!
Zunow 50mm f1.3 (L)
@RARE@ Feet scale. Manufacturing number is probably less than 100. Fully serviced in April 2016.
Dallmeyer Ser XII Projection 75mm (L改)
Angenieux 75/3.5 (L)
@RARE@ Type Z3. Original Leica screw mount. 3 elements in 3 groups. Non-coating. Very clean and in good condition without any cleaning marks. All the parts are original including the caps. Test shots with M Monochrom and M9.
Travegon 35/3.5 (L)
Leica screw mount lens from Schacht, Germany. Slight stains on the inner element, yet it does not affect to image quality. Coming with manul and original box.
Nikkor 105/2.5 (L)
5 elements in 3 groups, Sonnar type. The both glass and barrel are clean. Also focusing well!
Hexanon 35/2 (L) Silver
1000 pieces Limited. Very clean, Like New condition, but unfortunately, the original porch is missing.
It also fits all your Leica M type cameras with L/M adapter.
Ektar 50mm f1.9 (M改)
Modified from standard for Extra. Made in 1940. Non-coated. Focusing very well! Some slight cleaning marks on the inner elements, yet it does not affect to image quality. *The mount may comes into contact to the Lock button when using with M3.
Orthostigmat 35/4.5 (L)
Released in 1945. Made by Steinheil. 6 elements in 4 groups. Orthometar type. The glass is very clean without any cleaning marks.
MS Sonnetar Soft Focus 50/1.1 (L) Silver
Made for special order of special edition of Soft Focus Sonnetar. Only one product.
Tele-Oplar 135/4.5 (M改)
Lens for Foca, made in France was modified to Leica M mount. Un-coupled with rangefinder. Very clean glass. Cleaned in December 2015.
Heligon 35/2.8 (L)
Leica screw mount lens from Rodenstck, Germany. Meter scale. The both barrel and glass are very clean and in good condition. Please check out test shots.
Zunow 50/1.1 (L)
Late type. 9 elements in 4 groups. Zunow Opt. Very slight cleaning marks, yet still in good condition. Please check our test shots.
Dallmeyer Oscilo-Rareac 80/1.9 (L改)
@RARE@ Osciloscope lens from Dallmeyer was put into the barrel of Leica Telyt 200mm. Uncoupled with rangefinder. Slight trace of fungus on the edge of the inner element, yet the other part of glass is clean.
Dallmeyer Super-Six 3inch f1.9 (M改)
Hexanon 60mm f1.2 (L)
Angenieux 35/3.5 (L)
Type X1. 4 elements in 3 groups. Made in 1949. Rare Leica screw mount. Meter scale. Light blue coating. A little dent on the filter frame and slight cleaning marks on the glass. Perfectly coupled with rangefinder. Fully serviced.
Som Berthiot Anastigmat 50/2.8 (L)
Leica copy, made in Italy. Standard lens of Kristall, 3 elements with coating. Aluminum barrel. Light weight and user-friendly. Visible slight cleaning marks, yet still making nice images. Please check our test shots.
Canon 85/1.5 (L)
Type II, made around 1960. 7elements in 4 groups, Gauss type. Fully serviced in September 2015. Very Very slight scuffs on the side or front element, yet still clean glass. Focusing well! Please check our test shots.
Nikkor 85/1.5 (L)
Leica screw mount lens made by Nikon. Released in 1951. Sonnar type with 7 elements in 3 groups. Some slight cleaning marks, yet still clean and working well. Fully serviced in September 2015. Makes sharp image! Please check our test shots.
Som Berthiot Flor 75/3.5 (L)
Made by Som Berthiot in 1950, France. 3 elements. The front element has blue coating. Un-coupled with rangefinder. Some cleaning marks and coating damage on the front element. Makes sharp and exquisite image!
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