Leica Copies
Actina Lens Hood for Elmar 50mm
Astro-Berlin Universal Finder
Very Rare! Zoom finder by Astro Berlin. Made of aluminum. For 28/35/50/73/85/90/105/120/135/150mm. With diopter movement. Serviced and clear view!
Nikkor 50/1.1 (S) Lens hood
@RARE@ Original hood for Nikkor 50/1.1 (S). Made from plastic. No chip No crack. The original box is very rare!
Hugo Meyer Finder for Kino-Plasmat 75mm
Finder for Kino-Plasmart 75mm F1.5. Very rare finder more than rare Kino-Plasmart! Especially, marked "7.5 cm" version is rarely seen! Simple design, made from brass and in black paint.
Gamma Lens Hood
@Very Rare@ Hood for Gamma, Leica copy from Italy. About 34mm of screw on type hood. It seems to be fit on standard lens such as Berthiot or Angenieux. however, we’ve never find a lens fits it. It would be grateful if it’s fitted on your lens!
Hugo Meyer Rangefinder
Very Rare. Meter scale made by Meyer. Black/Nickel.